Latest news and other ideas...

Greetings! At the moment I am not sewing per say, just having a 'break'. The time I have spent away from sewing, I decided to do some drawing, designing up my next projects! On the left is the design for the Over Dress project I recently finished. It was the first design concept, and the dress came out pretty similar, which I was quite happy with. On the right is a design concept for a possible upcoming project. It has ruffles, which I have never done before! Honestly, I may never do it but it was quite nice to draw. Other projects I would love to do: - A rebellion outfit, kind of like Delores from Westworld - A warrior outfit kind of like the ones seen in Merlin (BBC series one) - A VAD nurse outfit from WW2 - And many more! Thank you for reading and any suggestions would be taken happily! Until next time, The Miniature Studio