Greetings! Today, I will be making the infamous Crinoline. This is a 'cage' that was first patented in the late 1850s and was widely popular - literally! The hoops underneath made the skirt wider and kept its shape. It was flexible but strong. Here is how my attempt went... Firstly, using a standard 2 litre bottle, I measured and cut out 6mm strips to create the hoops. I thought that this would be appropriate, it is lightweight and flexible. After this, I realised that I needed a plan so I quickly sketched this out, feel free to use it if you ever do recreate this! (...and my mistake, pointed out by a fellow historical enthusiast, dia which is short for diameter, is meant to be circumference, whoops!) Next I cut strips of fabric, this was to cover the plastic to make it all uniform. Dont worry about them freying, we cab hem them! Thats what I did, I then wrapped each circle of plastic and stitched in place. Think of it like wrapping presents, make sure it is neat and tidy, but...